Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
A super resource for Roald Dahl Day in September
54 pages for KS1and KS2
Fascinating facts to print out and display on your literacy working wall of Roald Dahl's life.
A time line showing the years various books were published.
Suggestions of writing and drawing follow up activities.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation for use in the classroom.
So there is display, presentation and activities, reference, facts etc will save all teachers a lot of preparation.
A 14 page workbook aimed at Yr3/4 or slower learners in KS2
Definition of Nouns, Verbs , Adjectives and Adverbs with follow on writing activities.
Children are asked to underline the parts of speech in their own writing in a specific colour.
There are short and longer pieces of writing expected.
Each page can be printed out separately or put together as one workbook.
Great for differentation or composite classes.
A great new resource to be used to promote positivity within the classroom.
20 pages which can be used as individual worksheets or in booklet form.
There are included display pages in colour with positive vocabulary.
There are quotes for class or group discussion.
A weekly learning reflection.
Instead of saying--- i could say---
I believe in myself because I can
Goals for the year
Design a Growth Mindset Poster
18 page workbook on The Amazon Rainforest. Can be printed out as individual sheets or as entire workbook. Upper KS1 and KS2
Cross curricular approach.
Fact sheets
Comprehension Questions
Creative writing, poetry writing, persuasive writing, writing notes for a presentation.
Vocabulary words and match with the definition
Internet and research skills
What I have learned sheet.
Original poems and stories written by me for KS1 on the theme of Christmas with accompanying comprehension questions and a few grammar activities, find the rhyming words and parts of speech.
Story 1 Follow the Star
Poem 1 Candy Cane
Story 2 Tinsel Cottage
Story 3 Legend of the Robin
Poem 2 Christmas Bits and Bobs
This is a PDF file but I have also included a powerpoint presentation.
This is a great resource to use with your children in the week before Christmas. The stories and poems could be used to stimulate the children's own writing.
A superb resource for KS1 and 2 with a selection of original and famous stories, poems and legends with a Christmas Theme. 26 page resource and powerpoint presentation.
Poem: A Child's Christmas with comprehension questions and then pupils have to write an acrostic poem.
Poem: The Candy Cane with comprehension questions followed by descriptive writing activity My Favourite Christmas decoration
Story/Legend: Mrs Babushka with comprehension questions and imaginative writing activity Complete the story
Poem: All in Red activity write a red poem
Poem: All in Green activity write a green poem
Poem extract: The Christmas Party activity write a list and draw
Legend: How Robin got his Red Breast with comprehension questions and Internet research to find Legend of the Christmas Tree
Poem: The Kitchen Table with comprehension questions
Poem extract: Silver Bells activity write a Father Christmas Poem
Two files included a PDF file and a powerpoint presentation suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2 about mini-beasts found in various habitats. The PDF file can be printed out as individual workbooks for each child. I have included Science activities, literacy activities and a mathematical activity. The Powerpoint could be used with groups.
4 workbooks to be used as a bundle when studying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Includes a Roald Dahl fascinating fact file, a quiz and timeline a guided reading workbook and a workbook for activities based on ther novel.
A super resource to be used by KS1 after reading Drew Daywalt's book The Day the Crayons Quit. A PDF file and a powerpoint presentation full of fun things to do. Can be printed out as a complete workbook or individual sheets for differentation. The powerpoint can be used as presentation for modelled writing.
Includes:- descriptive writing, creative writing, speech writing, poetry writing, letter writing, colour synonyms, a quiz, drawing activities, writing a book blurb and book reviews.
A bundle of 3 resources, PDF files and powerpoint presentations about three famous explorers, Columbus, Captain Cook and Vasco Da Gama. This would be great to use as a class project with three groups. Each booklet has the children completing the same style of tasks and would be great for History , Geography and Cross-curricular work .There are reading and comprehension questions, diary entries, ship's log entries, imaginative and creative writing tasks and internet research questions.Save 50% when you purchase all three together.
A 20 page workbook
A selection of book reviews useful for differentation. They can be printed out individually or as a whole unit.
Suitable for Key Stage 1 and 2.
Looking at titles, authors, settings, characters, recommendations etc.
A great resource for a mixed ability class.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classwork
For Science Week and Spring this is a must for KS1 and KS2 pupils. A 20 page resource with drawing and writing activities, a word mat, fact sheets for individuals, groups or displays comprehension activity, missing words, why are plants important to humans, which part of plants do we eat, pollination and insects, seed dispersal activity and some fun activities to keep children motivated.
To celebrate Roald Dahl and this publication with new illustrations by Quentin Blake I have created this 27 page PDF file. It is a super resource and can be printed out as a complete workbook. It covers characters in the story, writing tasks and drawing activities making it a fun workbook for all the children at different levels of achievement.
Tasks include: Internet Research, descriptive and imaginative writing, empathy with the characters, sound words, book reviews, speech writing, sentence construction, a newspaper report and a little bit of Science regarding animals and their sense of smell. Powerpoint also included for class discussion. I will be delighted to have feedback if you purchase this.
A selection of 7 Workbooks for the Autumn term Includes poetry, story starters, SPAG, writing, selection of wordmats and fun activities. Great for differentation save over 50% when you purchase this bundle.
Looking for something a little bit different for your Yr 6's for new term? Well check this bundle out. Introduces various genres of writing, fantasy, Victorian, historical, myths and legend. All original writings by Teachercellar, published author and shortlisted candidate for Tes Author of the year award. Workbooks include the short story with comprehension questions, Spag questions and writing exercises. Also included are dictionary work, internet research and story review sheets. Get this bundle today at a resonable price.50% off.
2 Summer Poems with worksheets and activities to match.
The first poem is titled 'Sand' and the second, 'Summer's Sun'.
Covers different areas of learning such as 'alliteration' and 'nouns, adjectives and verbs'.
Check the preview! :)
An original story written for Early Years and KS1 outlining events for Holy Week.
A PDF file and powerpoint presentation.
Can be used in a number of ways.
1.Class assembly with children reading each daily entry while others perform role play activities.
2. A guided reading activity or a mini class novel
3. A printed workbook as there are activity pages included
Consists of story pages, writing and drawing activities, a word mat , a timeline from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday
This is an original poem written by me about a seaside town in Victorian times compared with the town today. It has previously been published as a stand alone poem but not with worksheets included. the worksheets involve comprehension, Spag,internet research, historical facts and drawing conclusions. it is suitable for KS2 or upper KS1.The worksheets allow for differentation or can be printed out as an entire workbook. This resource would link well with a Victorian topic.
This reading comprehension pack includes one story about Marley the Monkey. The story is an original story written by me. There are follow up questions and other writing and drawing activities within the pack.
Ideal for KS1 and Lower KS2.